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Welcome to Malibu

Wow. Wow. Wow. It's been a minute, right?!

First, I am relieved to report that I am doing GREAT at the ever-beautiful Pepperdine Unversity in Malibu, California!

BUT CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE NEW POSTS?! If you've been under a rock, I have recently swarmed my Instagram followers with a load of new posts showcasing some recent photoshoots that I've done with some cool people here at Pepperdine.

I have truly had a blast capturing some really cool moments from the iconic Santa Monica Pier to the expansive Malibu landscape. Truly an honor and blessing to be able to fit what I love into my school schedule.

I can't wait to continue posting more content, but here are some of my favorties of Davis taken at the Santa Monica Pier:

Davis being a dramatic model

... and the three gents Trevor, Grant, and Charlie in Malibu:

Grant is legit a model

& so is Trev

& can't forget Charlie

Not posed (or is it?)


Okay really not posed

Grant being too cool

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